Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Agenda of Week 5

Agenda of Week 5

Q -Song- Let me see your ID (Links to an external site.) -Check-in: What did you hear in the song lyrics? -Desmond Tutu on international solidarity (Links to an external site.) -The role of international solidarity against apartheid mini-lecture -Apartheid Today -Continue with Cry Freedom -References: -The Guardian Article (Links to an external site.) Apartheid Report- Amnesty International Video (Links to an external site.) HRW- A threshold crossed (Links to an external site.) -UN News Report (Links to an external site.) -UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Palestine

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Before this quarter I had never been aware of the crimes against the Palestinian people. Their human rights are violated and the dispossession of Palestinians and their land is a form of violence that the world does not address. Amnesty International addresses the issue of apartheid inflicted by the Israeli government. It amazes me that such violence occurs and yet as someone who lives in another country, there seems too be no care by the media and by government officials to address these crimes against humanity.